Texas residents are no doubt aware of the long battle that Hulk Hogan and his now ex-wife have fought during and after their divorce, which was finalized in 2009. But the two could wind up in court again.
Hogan, whose given name is Terry Bollea, has filed a defamation suit against his ex-wife. He claims in an 18-page filing in a court in Clearwater, Florida, that she lied about aspects of their marriage in her autobiography, released in June, and in a series of promotional interviews.
In the book, Hogan’s 52-year-old ex-wife claims her then-husband beat her and emotionally abused her while they were married. He ripped her clothes and pinned her to the bed while his hands were wrapped around her neck, leaving her to fear for her life, she said. Additionally, she accused him of having a homosexual affair with another pro wrestler.
In the filing, Hogan, 58, says his ex-wife’s claims are false and wants a jury trial. Additionally, he wants publisher HarperCollins to stop selling the 256-page book. He contends she wrote the book in an attempt to revive her career.
Just two weeks prior to Hogan’s suit, court filings showed the ex-wife received close to $7.5 million of the couple’s liquid accounts, with Hogan walking away with nearly $3 million, according to the St. Petersburg Times. Additionally, she was granted 40 percent ownership in her ex-husband’s companies and $3 million in property. He does not have to pay alimony.
They married in 1983 and battled for two years in court before their divorce was granted in Florida. They have an adult son and daughter. The public spectacle that Hogan’s divorce battle has become is regrettable. Many legal professionals would argue that divorcing couples are best served by hashing out their settlement in private.
Source: St. Petersburg Times, “Hulk Hogan sues ex-wife for defamation, says claims of abuse are lies,” Keyonna Summers, Dec. 9, 2011