Practicing Family Law With Heart For More Than 30 Years

Divorce Resort Concept Can Make for a Happier, Healthier 2013

On Behalf of | Jan 7, 2013 | Divorce

It’s a New Year filled with new beginnings, so why put yourself through the heightened stress and turmoil of long legal battles? Make a New Year’s resolution to minimize cost and conflict by exploring alternative separation methods like Divorce Resort.

With New Year’s resolutions still undecided amongst many individuals, those saddled with the strain of ending a marriage should resolve to approach the situation using a whole new approach to reduce both the emotional and financial cost associated with the divorce process. Not only does this new concept of help to eliminate the stress and anxiety of expensive legal battles, it peacefully settles issues over a very private and relaxing three-day weekend, that customizes solutions to address your unique family circumstances.

“This is just one more Healthy Choice individuals considering ending a marital relationship can make this year. It’s not a pleasant reality that relationships end, but they do,” said Daryl Weinman, attorney at Weinman and Associates. “Approaching the process with this alternative method significantly reduces stress and anxiety, benefitting not only mental health, but also physical health.”

Mental health professionals are currently recommending Divorce Resort as a healthier alternative to their patients who are struggling with the anguish of going through divorce. The decision to end a long-term marital relationship is extremely emotional in and of itself, and very often, the process just heightens all of the stress and anxiety. However, there are now other options to the traditional process that can alleviate a lot of the fear and distress.

Divorce Resort is designed to resolve a divorce in any state in the U.S. An experienced family law attorney will mediate issues over a relaxing three-day weekend at a four-star resort location of the couple’s choosing, where each party will receive their own suite, to take their mind off the stresses of daily life and focus only on the issues that need to be resolved. The attorney will meet with each party individually to discuss creative solutions that will fit even the most unique family circumstances.

About Divorce Resort:

This is a revolutionary new concept by the law firm Weinman & Associates. Their fresh approach to resolving major family law issues focuses on providing a stress-free and amicable way to finalize the dissolution of your marriage and move forward with your life. Available to anyone in the U.S., this process offers an innovative approach to a difficult and emotional process.

For more information, contact Austin family law attorney, Daryl Weinman, at Weinman & Associates, 512-472-4040

