Practicing Family Law With Heart For More Than 30 Years

Don’t let your divorce jeopardize your job

On Behalf of | Jan 13, 2016 | Divorce

Going through a divorce is one of the biggest life events that most people ever experience and sometimes one of the most devastating. Even if you and your spouse are able to work out a settlement amicably, divorce is still an emotional roller coaster. If you have children, you’re also dealing with their feelings and juggling being a single parent for the first time.

So how do you keep all of this from impacting your work life? After all, the last thing you need is to jeopardize your job because you’re busy dealing with family, legal and emotional issues.

First, let your boss know about the situation. You don’t have to get into personal details. However, you should let him or her know that there may be obligations that require you to be away from work occasionally. Let your boss know that you are still committed to your job and that you’re willing to switch schedules or work at home so that others aren’t burdened by any necessary absences.

However, be honest about the fact that you may need some flexibility during this time. Don’t overpromise, particularly if your boss is willing to work with you to accommodate your needs.

Second, don’t be afraid to ask from help, particularly if you have kids. If family, friends, neighbors, other parents at your school and your estranged spouse can take turns helping with the kids, it will take a lot of pressure of you to try to be two places at once.

Third, stay organized, both at work and home. Your personal schedule and responsibilities have likely changed. Even if you don’t have kids, you’re probably handling household responsibilities that you weren’t before. Keeping a digital calendar with alerts to remind you can help immensely.

Finally, keep your emotions out of the workplace. There’s plenty of time to deal with them, but you should never do it at the office. Remain professional.

Many family law attorneys understand the scheduling issues that those going through a divorce — particularly parents — face, and will work with clients outside of traditional office hours. Some will come to their clients’ homes, meet with them over lunch or make time for them on the weekends. If you’re having trouble scheduling your appointments with your attorney into your workday, let him or her know so that you can minimize the impact on your work life.

Source: Huffington Post, “How to Keep Your Job While Going Through a Divorce,” Michela Montgomery, Dec. 30, 2015

