When you decide to move forward with marriage, you know that your life is changing in many ways. Of course, you are hoping that every step you take with your new spouse is one that improves your life.
Even though you hope to be married forever, you realize that something could happen along the way that changes this. And for this reason, you should consider creating a prenuptial agreement.
This is something you need to discuss with your soon to be spouse in great detail. After all, you want to make sure the two of you are on the same page with regard to its language and benefits.
Here are some of the top benefits of a prenuptial agreement:
— It can protect the inheritance rights of any children you are bringing into the marriage from a previous relationship.
— It can protect any business interests that you are bringing into the marriage.
— It can protect one spouse in the event that the other has a lot of debt.
— It will ensure that the assets you bring into the marriage are considered yours, and not subject to division, in the event of a divorce.
Remember, a prenuptial agreement is something that both parties must agree to. You need to make it clear that this isn’t something that is one-sided but that it protects both people if a divorce happens for any reason.
Final tip: Creating a prenuptial agreement is easier said than done. For this reason, it’s often best to consult with an experienced Austin family law attorney.
Source: FindLaw, “Pros and Cons: Premarital Agreements (“Prenuptials”),” accessed Sep. 01, 2016