Practicing Family Law With Heart For More Than 30 Years

Are you a victim of parenting time interference?

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2018 | Child Custody

As a parent sharing custody or visitation rights, you know that custody issues are often very difficult to navigate. It is normal for parents to face some difficulty forming their lives around a court ordered custody plan, but some behavior crosses a line into dangerous territory, amounting in some cases to parenting time interference.

Parenting time interference is a serious offense in the eyes of a court, and can result in the loss of some parenting privileges for the offending parent, or even criminal charges and jail time in severe cases. Direct interference usually involves some behavior on the part of one parent that keeps the other parent from physically spending his or her court-ordered custody time with the child. A minor violation might look like a parent cancelling visitation, whereas a major violation might be a parent taking child to another state without the knowledge or permission of the other.

Interference can also be indirect. Indirect interference may involve any behavior by one parent that obstructs or manipulates the communication and relationship of the other parent with the child. Commonly, this looks like one parent refusing to put the child on the phone to speak with the other, or simply speaking poorly of the other parent in the presence of the child. Many couples address this possibility by including language in their parenting agreement that restricts all forms of parenting interference and indicates the proper consequences for such violations.

If you believe that you suffer from parenting time interference, don’t hesitate to take action to protect your rights and the rights of the child that you love. An experienced attorney understands the nuances of the laws that apply to your circumstances and can help you navigate these issues confidently, while keeping your rights and the rights of the child you love protected.

Source: FindLaw, “Parenting Time Interference,” accessed Feb. 02, 2018

