Texas family law recognizes that grandparents can play an important role in raising their grandchildren. Grandparents have a variety of rights regarding custody, visitation, and family matters. It's important to be familiar with these rights to avoid unnecessary...
Practicing Family Law With Heart For More Than 30 Years
Family Law
Eligibility for intercountry adoption under the Hague Convention
If you are a US citizen interested in adopting a child from a country other than the United States, it is important to understand intercountry eligibility under the Hague Convention prior to moving forward with your plans. When you live in the State of Texas,...
Don’t forget about your timeshare during your divorce
If you're making a list of your assets as you contemplate or begin the process of divorce, don't forget your timeshare. Whether it's a beachfront condo in Cabo or mountainside cabin in Aspen, these assets are too often overlooked as divorcing couples begin deciding on...
Why compromise might be the best gift for your kids this season
This time of year can be the most challenging for divorced parents. You want your children to enjoy the holidays with all of their family members on both sides. However, it's easy to feel a bit of resentment when you hear them talking about how much they're looking...
Dealing with a competitive co-parent during the holidays
The holiday season can be a stressful time for divorced co-parents who are competitive about being the "best" or "favorite" parent. Even if you know that isn't healthy, maybe your co-parent can't resist trying to outdo you at every turn. That sense of competition...
What’s most important to children of divorced parents?
There are seemingly hundreds of things that separated and divorced co-parents can fight about. Often, they convince themselves that these fights (whether they consist of a few terse texts or a full-blown argument) are about things that are essential to their...
Wedding expenses can be a challenge for divorced parents
When you and your ex divorced, your child was still in grade school. Now they're grown, with a college degree and living their own life – until they ask for some help paying for their wedding. If you and your co-parent haven't had to deal with child support...
Maintaining a relationship with your stepkids after divorce
Many of our closest family ties these days are with people who aren't biologically related to us. It's common for marriage to bring not only a spouse but stepchildren, for example.While the relationships between stepparents and stepchildren have been portrayed in...
When should you consider a postnup?
Many couples don't draw up a prenuptial agreement before they get married because they're going into the marriage on more-or-less equal financial footing. A lot can change as the marriage goes on. however. That's why couples sometimes believe it's a good idea to get a...
What are your options in a 60-40 custody split?
If you and your co-parent are planning to share physical custody of your children equally, you may be talking about a 50-50 split. However, 60-40 splits have become popular.Some parents may balk at the idea of having their children less than their co-parent. It's...