It’s tough to ask the person you love and want to spend a lifetime with for a prenuptial agreement. It’s even tougher to hear your intended spouse ask you to sign it.
One therapist says, however, that prenuptial agreements put the issues of money on the table, and that’s a good thing for marriages in Texas and throughout the United States.
With people marrying later, prenuptial agreements have become more commonplace than in days past. While discussion of a prenuptial agreement can turn volatile, once the dust settles, such an agreement can bring stability to a relationship, the therapist said.
A discussion of finances before marriage can clear the air about money before saying “I do.” Money, according to the therapist, remains one of the biggest stumbling blocks in marriages and can lead to divorce. By discussing it up front, couples can settle issues and become comfortable in future talks about money and children, especially if one spouse enters the marriage with children.
Talking about money, the therapist said, demystifies the topic. If the two parties have honest discussions about money, trust can be built, which strengthens the relationship. A prenuptial agreement will have led to it.
Prenuptial agreements have gotten a bad rap through the years. Some people believe that the party asking for a prenup is greedy or selfish; others believe a person who is asked to sign a prenup could be entering a marriage doomed to fail. The therapist, however, makes valid points to the contrary.
Anything that opens the communication about money is beneficial to a marriage. Knowing exactly where each other stands financially and with regards to money is never a bad thing. The more open two people are in a marriage, the better. Removing one of the biggest obstacles in a marriage can only strengthen, not weaken, the marriage.
Source: Huffington Post, “Saying ‘I Do’ to a Prenup,” Mindy Utay, Oct. 1, 2012