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Can excessive Twitter use lead to divorce?

On Behalf of | Apr 11, 2014 | Divorce

Can Twitter use be detrimental to your marriage? According to a study by a journal called Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, it can. The author of the study, a University of Missouri doctoral student, surveyed almost 600 Twitter users about their use of the site. The study found that active users were likely to have conflict with their partners over the time they spent on Twitter and the amount of attention they gave to tweeting, responding to tweets and just reviewing the tweets of those they follow.

These conflicts, according to the study, could lead to cheating and even separation or divorce. The study found the heightened level of conflict occurred regardless of age or how long the respondents had been in a relationship. TIME magazine also found that men tend to use social media sites to share their relationship problems rather than confront their partners about them because it seems safer.

For couples who sometimes feel more comfortable sharing their feelings online rather than face-to-face, there’s an app for that. 2life lets couples share information between themselves. The 2life app tour shows that it can be used for everything from shopping and chatting to syncing up your calendars and planning a date night.

Social media use doesn’t need to be detrimental to a relationship. In fact, a recent Pew Research study found that over 40 percent of people under 30 in serious relationships said that contact via Facebook has strengthened the relationship, while nearly a quarter said that “digital tools” have helped them resolve problems they couldn’t face-to-face. However, that study also found that respondents reported relationship issues caused by a partner spending too much time on the Internet.

Of course, if someone is spending a great deal of time on social media instead of interacting with his or her significant other, that could be a symptom of problems in the relationship rather than a cause. Couples who are considering divorce should perhaps consider that question.

Texas couples who have already decided that divorce is the best option should discuss with their therapist and their legal advisors how to use social media going forward to prevent hurting their former spouse and especially their children. If it is not used to take out anger and frustration, social media can be an excellent tool to help the family going forward after a marriage has dissolved.

Source: Time, “Study Claims People Who Frequently Use Twitter May Be More Likely to Cheat and Get Divorced” Olivia B. Waxman, Apr. 07, 2014

