Unless you have no child custody or spousal/child support agreements as part of your divorce and you and your spouse divide up your things and go your separate ways, you will likely need some additional legal assistance down the road regarding the terms of your divorce. Our firm can help clients enforce those terms as well as modify them if necessary.
For clients who have lost their jobs or suffered other financial setbacks that impact their ability to pay spousal and/or child support, we can help them seek a modification to their payment plan. You don’t want to fall behind on support payments. That can have serious legal and financial ramifications. It’s best to address the problem early on so that the court is fully aware of the issue.
If there are changes to your work schedule or living situation that necessitate a change to your custody agreement, we can help you deal with that. Sometimes, a divorced parent needs to move out of the area for job-related or financial reasons or to be near family members. Parental relocation disputes can be complicated and sometimes combative. We can help present your case for why relocation is necessary and will not be detrimental to your child. In fact, it may be in the best interests of the child.
We also help our Texas clients enforce support and custody agreements as well things like property and other asset division. If you are having problems getting the child or spousal support that your ex-spouse has been ordered to pay, we will help you fight to get the funds you need for yourself and/or your children. As noted above, the sanctions for not paying support can be strong. If an ex-spouse if violating the custody agreement, we can seek legal action to require that he or she abide by the terms of the agreement.
We understand that divorce is not just an event that is over once the paperwork is signed. It can have serious financial, legal and emotional ramifications for years that can make it difficult for people to move on with their lives. That’s why we bring not just experienced legal guidance but compassion to our work with clients seeking to resolve enforcement issues. Regardless of which side of the situation you are on, contact us by phone or online to schedule a consultation to see how we can be of help.